The Eland (Taurotragus oryx oryx) typically refers to the Common or Cape Eland has a tan or grey coat, faint white body stripes, and spiral horns present in both males and females. Males are bulkier with a dewlap and dark neck. Older bulls turn grey and often referred to as blue bulls.
Distribution: Southern Africa.
Size: Eland are the largest antelope in Africa.
Weight: 1300 – 1500lb / 700 kg
Shoulder Height: 67 – 72’’ / 1.7 – 1.82 m
Horns: Both sexes project straight back from skull. Twisted and spiralled at the base; smoother and pointed at the tip.
Habitat: Light woodland and open plains up to montane grasslands.
Habits: They are social and graze on grass, leaves, and fruits. They are mostly diurnal, moving in the early morning and late afternoon. Elands are migratory, traveling long distances in search of food and water, and are known for their calm, slow-moving nature. Once disturbed will start trotting and cover long distances in a very short time.
Hunting Tips: Locally abundant and can be difficult to hunt. At least 3 days are required to hunt a good Eland. An exceptionally alert animal, it needs careful stalking. Since they are great wanderers, there is a large element of luck in finding them in the first place.
Trophy Information
Good Horn Length: 34’’
Record Book
SCI Min. - 77
SCI Min. Bow - 69
Rowland Ward Min. - 35
World Record - 47 1/2
SCI Measurement Method: 2
Rowland Ward Measurement Method: 8
Species & Subspecies Information
Species: 2 - Common Eland and the Lord Derby Eland.
Subspecies: 3 - Cape Eland, Livingstone’s Eland, East African or Patterson’s Eland.